Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use Periogen®?

Periogen is easy to use. Just follow these simple directions.

How does Periogen work?

Periogen is an extremely effective tartar softener and inhibitor when used following tooth brushing. Periogen works by preventing the mineralization and interlocking of dental plaque and hence prevents the formation of dental calculus/tartar. Periogen has been proven to reduce tartar buildup between cleanings by 40%. Dental cleanings are easier for the hygienist and more pleasant for the patient.

What is required for best results?

Periogen performance requires a patient partnership with dentistry as our impressive anti-calculus research results were on patients who had been scaled within the previous 6 months. 

The time required to achieve the desired results can vary with clinical improvement typically seen within 2 to 4 weeks. However, it may take as long as 90 days depending on the individual. 

When should I use Periogen?

Periogen should be used daily, preferably morning and night until results are achieved after which the frequency of use can be moderated to maintain those results. Periogen should be used as the last step in your oral care regime. Typically, we recommend that you brush, floss, and then rinse or irrigate with Periogen. As a guideline, you may eat or drink 30 minutes after using Periogen. 

Can I premix Periogen?

Yes, you may premix the solution and keep it in a sealed container. We generally recommend 2 scoops of powder per 16 ounces of tap water. Discard, rinse and refill container with a new mixture every two weeks.

What is Periogen made of?

Periogen is made from common FDA-approved food additives (salts) found in countless foods and products. 

Why does Periogen have a 7.5 pH?

The human body tries to regulate the pH of the mouth between 6.7 to 7.3 (a range that is considered neutral and healthy for all practical purposes). The pH range of the average healthy adult mouth is between 6.2 to 7.6, depending on an individual's diet and genetics. Even a normal blood pH is 7.4. Most people tend to drive pH down from slightly alkaline (best case) to acidic (worst case, below 7.0) through poor diet and habits.

Sodas, sports drinks, beer, and wine are all acidic. Most mouthwashes are also acidic with a pH range around 5 or lower. An acidic oral environment causes plaque to calcify and harden into tartar. Tartar is porous, like a coral reef, and provides a shielding effect for anaerobic bad bacteria (the ones that can live without air and cause gum disease) to grow and thrive. Periogen is formulated at 7.5 pH to ensure that the user’s mouth is near 7.0 or higher so that it can soften any hardened tartar.

The ingredients say Periogen has citric acid. Isn’t that too acidic?

No, although Periogen contains citric acid, it also contains a greater amount of sodium bicarbonate. When placed in water, these two chemicals react; creating carbonic acid (a weak acid) and releasing CO2, thus creating effervesces that dissolves the other ingredients into solution. The resulting solution has a healthy pH of 7.5. 

Are there any side effects to using Periogen? 


How much does Periogen cost to use?

Periogen costs about 7 cents per liquid ounce when mixed with water, making it one of the most inexpensive mouth rinses on the market. One 3-ounce bottle lasts about 45 days when used twice a day. 

Can Periogen harm enamel, dental appliances, or adhesives?

No. Periogen is gentle and safe for all dental work, adhesives, and completely non-acidic with a healthy 7.5 pH. 

Can I mix Periogen with other products?

We recommend that Periogen not be mixed with other products. Periogen has a healthy pH while nearly all other oral rinse products are highly acidic that can be damaging to enamel and actually contribute to tartar formation. Diluting Periogen will reduce its effectiveness as a plaque and tartar reducer. 

May I use more Periogen than the label says?

Yes, our studies indicate some benefit to doubling the dose for the first couple weeks of use and then going back to the indicated dose on the bottle. It should be noted that we have seen little additional improvement beyond that. The best tartar reduction and oral health improvement  stems from regular daily use of Periogen using recommended dosages over time rather than high concentrations that tend to use up the product rapidly.

I was told I have deep pockets. I have 5mm pockets and one 6mm pocket. Can Periogen help?

Yes, Periogen can help by dissolving the tartar that is causing the deep pockets. These pockets should have Periogen applied with an oral irrigator.

Can Periogen clog my oral irrigator like some mouthwashes do?

No. When dissolved, Periogen® goes into solution, and is not a mixture. It is in many ways like a water softener which never clogs oral irrigators.

How does Periogen compare with Chlorhexidine (CHX)?

Periogen is a preventative dental measure and makes no claims as a medical treatment for disease. However, independent dental university research has demonstrated that rinsing with Periogen is as effective as rinsing with CHX without the negative side effects and can be used indefinitely. 

What does Periogen taste like?

Periogen (original flavor) has what most consider a neutral taste that is designed to not interfere with the flavor of your favorite toothpaste.

Is Periogen safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding? 

We have no studies to support whether it is safe to use when pregnant or breastfeeding. However, we believe Periogen is safe and effective unless you have an allergy to one of the FDA-approved food grade ingredients used regularly in the food and dental industries. 

Can I use Periogen to dissolve tartar off my pet’s teeth?

We conducted a small pilot study involving 24 participants in the United States. Each of the participants were sent a kit consisting of a long toothbrush, swishing cup, and a bottle of original Periogen powdered concentrate (do not use Periogen toothpaste*). They were instructed to mix a small amount of powder in water per bottle directions and apply it to their pet’s teeth either using the supplied long reach pet brush or a special pet brush that fits on the end of the finger.

Of the 24 participants 2 were cat owners and 22 were dog owners. We only received feedback from 6 of the 24 participants, all of which indicated positive results and no side effects or problems. At the end of the 3-month study period follow-up calls to the remaining participants revealed that owners found brushing their pet’s teeth to be time consuming and sometimes challenging and as a result were less than diligent in the routine with their pets. 

Pilot studies, by nature, may lack the oversight and structure of a university study and based on the small sample size of this pilot study it is difficult to come to any definitive conclusion. However, there were no complications in using Periogen and those that were diligent did see tartar reduction. Based on these overall positive results we are looking at the feasibility of a university study.

*It is important to never use any form of toothpaste on your pet’s teeth unless that product was formulated specifically for pets! Toothpaste made for humans commonly contains ingredients such as Xylitol that can be harmful to dogs if too much is swallowed.