Oral Irrigation Pilot Study


The purpose of this 2010 study was to assess whether Periogen, when applied through an oral irrigator, could eliminate sub-gingival calculus. To that end we sought out a dental professional proficient in the use of an endoscope in Seattle, WA. An endoscope was obtained and shipped to the dental office. Of the 12 enrolled participants 6 completed the study. Follow up examination indicated all participants demonstrated improvement with an average 13% reduction in probing depth and a 53% reduction in bleeding sites along with varying degrees of visible supra gingival calculus reduction.

Periogen Oral Irrigation Pilot Study
Periogen Oral Irrigation Pilot Study

Participant E.G. before and after 90 days of Periogen use through Oral Irrigator


Study Structure

12 volunteers from the Seattle area were found through local media sources. All were examined and charted by a Dentist and sent home with Periogen powdered concentrate and a Waterpik WP-100. The dental office was not involved in the selection of the patients or the study. They were directed to irrigate once per day with 1 scoop (1 gram) of Periogen mixed with water into the Waterpik reservoir for 90 days. 

The participants returned after 90 days for follow up examinations. They were instructed to bring in remaining Periogen product for measurement as a means of verifying compliance with daily routine. The endoscopic instrument failed during the first exam requiring parts that were unavailable. The use of an endoscope was discontinued and traditional dental exams were given on the six returning patients. 


The table below summarizes the results of their before and after charts.  We believe the results are significant as they all had stage 1 Periodontitis and the only intervention for 90 days was Periogen applied through an oral irrigator.  All participants showed improvement with an average 13% reduction in probing depth and a 53% reduction in bleeding sites.  There was evidence of non-compliance in all but one patient based on the amount of product returned. Patient “EG” who is a retired RDH, had complied with the protocol and her results were remarkable showing an 18.5% reduction in probing depth along with an 85.5% reduction in bleeding sites (demonstrates what compliance and proper training can do). In addition, EG had a 90% reduction in visible calculus as evidenced by dental photos.

Periogen Oral Irrigation Pilot Study Chart